Breathing life into this blog

What the hell. Here we go:

It occurred to me this morning that whereas I think of personal blogging in terms akin to feeding a child or pet (“I need to feed my blog”), niche blogging of the kind that Ogle Earth aspires to invites a different comparison in me: one of inflation, but more specifically the inflation of a bagpipe, where a whole lot of effort needs to be expended to get momentum going, and then the focus needs to be on not accidentally letting your blog deflate by letting your interests wander.

Do other people think of the act of blogging in terms of other metaphors? Running? Diving? Gardening? Eating? Grooming? Prancing?


10 thoughts on “Breathing life into this blog

  1. Good question. At this point, it’s about like visiting a grandmother: you feel guilty because you don’t do it nearly as often as you should, but you would never stop because not only do you know how disappointed she’ll be, but you do actually love her.
    Of course, this takes on a whole different dimension when I admit that both my grandmothers are in fact dead.

  2. I like the gardening one.. at the moment your blog is overrun with weeds and in dire need of nurturing. Then we can go to town with silly references to fertiliser, pruning etc.

  3. It’s not so much a question of feeding your blog, for it will not meow or cry, but a matter of feeding your readers, who will start to whine after awhile about their malnourishment. Eventually, they’ll go somewhere else where they can get the chicken.

  4. Warm bath will do for me; inviting, yet after a while draining you of
    all remaining energy to get up and
    do something (else). But then, as
    I only have a shower in the appt.,
    I tend to glamourize bath waters.

  5. gardening, definately gardening, eccological, “zero scape” type gardening with productive results and flowers on occassion.
    I just discovered your Blogg while googling some stats and though your intro almost discribed me to a T, in spite of the fact I am female and have lived in Stockholm for 7 years (March) and wish I had a Belgium Pass!! Can’t stand my US one.. and wish I didn’t have to wait long to get my Swedish one.. you see, I can’t NOT have a pass, that would be obsurd, right?
    Take care,

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